You can bank on our experience – Document Innovations.

Meet Mark Mayer
Founder & President

Mark Mayer, president of Document Innovations, LLC began his career in the U.S. Air Force. He then transitioned to the role of senior programmer/analyst at Information Technology, Inc. For thirteen years, Mark played a key role in the design, development, and maintenance of the company’s item processing system. During this time, he was also responsible for developing many consumer accounting applications. Ultimately, a desire to offer a wider variety of products and custom software solutions led Mark to create Document Innovations in 1997. A decade later, Mark is still finding ways to analyze and exceed customer expectations.

“Let’s have a conversation. What are your objectives? How do you envision the future of your bank? I’m confident that together we can develop profitable, customized solutions that meet your needs and exceed your goals.”

-Mark Mayer,